No. 10000000000
Bangkok Partnerships and Companies Registration Office
Department of Business Development
Ministry of Commerce
This is to certify that this company has been registered as a juristic person under the Civil and Commercial Code,
on 21 July B.E.2555 (2012), with the Juristic Person Registration Number 01055500000000. The particulars as shown in
the Register of Juristic Person as of the date of issuance of this Certificate are as follows:
1. Name of the Company: Sample Company Limited
2. The company has 3 director(s) named below:
1. Mr. Sample One
2. Miss Sample Two
3. Miss Sample Three
3. The number or name(s) of director(s) authorized to enter signatures binding the company is/are as
follows: Two directors jointly sign their names, with the company's common seal being affixed.
4 The registered capital is 2,000,000.00 Baht. (Two Million Baht Only)
5. Head office is located Sample Area, Bangkok.
6. The Company has 24 items of objectives, as shown in a copy of the documents annexed hereto in 3
page(s), with the signature of the Registrar being entered in certification thereof
Issued on 16 January B.E.2563 (2020)
(Mr. Registrar Sample)
1. This Certificate certifies statements as registered by the Partnership/Company for legal consequences only. Facts should be sought for the consideration of status.
2. The Registrar may revoke the registration where substantial statements as registered appear incorrect or false.